• Schedules
  • Student manual
  • Final Recuperation Exam
  • List of school supplies


Morning shift: 7:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Afternoon shift: 1:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Full-time shift: 7:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.

Delays: In the 1st stage (1st to 3rd grade) of Elementary School , the students' schedule is more flexible, and it reinforces the importance of punctuality, since the delays usually hinder their routine and their performance. In the 2nd stage (4th and 5th grades), students can enter the school until one (1) hour aGer the beginningof the shiG (morning until 8:30 a.m. and aGernoon until 2:00 p.m.). AGer this time, the student will not be allowed to enter the campus.

Student’s manual (pdf)


The school evaluation system consists of 3 (three) trimestral averages and Partial and Final Recuperation.

The Trimestrial averages are assigned on a range of grades starting from 0 (zero) to 10.0 (ten).

The Trimestrial averages evaluate the contents of each trimester, including the prerequisites contained in each school subject.

At the end of the second trimester, a Partial Average (PA) is awarded and it is the result from the average of the first two trimesters, according to the following formula:

PA = (Trimester 1 + Trimester 2): 2

Therefore, the student who does not obtain a Partial Average (PA) equal to or greater than 7.0 (seven) is offered an optional Partial Recuperation Exam (PRE), to be applied at the beginning of the third trimester.

Parents who want their children to take the Partial Recuperation Exam must formalize this request, through a specific form, with the Coordination of each segment until the deadline previously established.

The Partial Recuperation Exam corresponds to a general evaluation of the contents worked in the first and second trimester and will be carried out in the reverse shiG.

There is no make up exam for the Partial Recuperation Exam.

The Partial Recovery Test (PRE), when it occurs, will be carried out through assessments of the recuperation, without a recuperation class.

The Partial Result (PR) is obtained by assigning weight 6 (six) to the Partial Average (PA) and weight 4 (four) to the Partial Recuperation Exam Test (PRE) score, dividing the result by 10 (ten) according to the formula below:

PR = [(6 x PA) + (4 x PRT)]: 10

This result (PR) is 7.0 (seven) as the maximum grade and, if it is lower than the grade previously obtained by the student, it will be discarded.

At the end of the third term, an Annual Average (AA) will be composed according to the following formula.

AA = [(2 x PR) + (Quarter 3)]: 3

For students who do not take the Partial Recuperation Exam (PRE), the Partial Result (PR) will correspond to the Partial Average (PA).

Students from Elementary , Middle and High School who obtain an annual average (AA)equal to or greater than 7.0 (seven), are approved.

In the 1st year of Elementary School, teachers will assign various forms of school performance evaluation concepts (VG - Very Good, G - Good, R - Regular and I - Insufficient) for the term, expressing the student's development result in the cognitive and psychomotor areas.

Final Recuperation Exam

Students who do not achieve Annual Average 7.0 (seven) must take a final recuperation exam, without enrollment.

Students who obtain the Annual Average (AA) of 3.0 to 6.99 (three and six point ninety-nine) will have Recuperation classes and, after that week, will take a Recuperation exam for every school subject in which they did not reach this average. After the final recuperation exam , students who obtain Final Averages (FA) equal to or greater than 5.0 (five) are approved.

The minimum grade for this evaluation is 3.0 (three). The Final Average (FA) is obtained by assigning weight 6 (six) to the Annual Average (AA) and weight 4 (four) to the Final Recuperation (FR) score, dividing the result by 10 (ten) according to the following formula:

FA = {[(6 x AA) + (4 x FR)]: 10} ≥ 5.0 or Approved

Immediate failure, without any right to take a recuperation exam (RE), will be determined to students who obtain:

I - Annual Average (AA) lower than 3.0 (three) in one or more subjects.

II - More than 25% of absences of the total number of teaching hours in any school subject from curriculum.

For the renewal of failing student's enrollments, there will be a Faculty meeting to evaluate the possibility of remaining in School.